Individual Counseling

Totum Counseling and Consulting Services is private pay. We do not accept insurance.


Individual Counseling

Standard Session: 45-50 minutes - $125

Student Rate: 45-50 Minutes - $100 (with proof of current enrollment)

Therapy is a means of identifying who you are and what you need and then learning to effectively communicate that to others. Individual therapy is a supportive relationship that allows you to explore emotions like fear, sadness, and anger. It is a way to process your past, grief, and trauma and identify the life you want. You will learn new skills and identify new perspectives to change your life and create healthy relationships. You can deserve and can have the Whole life you crave.

Missed Session

Since the scheduling of an appointment involves the reservation of time specifically for you. Totum Counseling maintains a wait-list for services. If you forget the time of your appointment, confuse the date, prioritize a work commitment, or simply choose not to show up, the individuals on the wait-list are denied the opportunity to have a session.

Please call us at 484.238.0038 24 hours in advance of a scheduled appointment to notify us of any changes or cancellations.

Missed sessions and late cancellations will be billed at the price of the session. If an appointment can be scheduled within the same week then cancellation fee is waived. Totum Counseling will retain a credit card on file for this purpose. However, you may choose to pay by cash, check, or charge. This is the part of our business that we like least; however as much as we hate to do it, we will enforce this policy. We understand that exceptional circumstances occur and will make efforts to work with you when possible.